- Andrew Pritchard
Winter prairie portrait shoot w/ Jenn
A fresh coating of light snow was quickly followed by unseasonably warm temperatures on a Saturday, which had me dying to get outdoors. One of longtime photography friends is moving to Portland in just a few weeks, so we decided to fit in one more shoot. Jenn is a photography buff herself, but also likes being in front of the camera which works well for me. I just don't do a ton of portrait photography so my instruction skills are sub-par, so having someone who can handle the posing while I just manage the camera is a good way for me to get some practice in.
Naturally we wanted to do something outdoors, and given the time of year every wooded/prairie location is going to look more or less the same. Given that, we hit up Meadowbrook Park in southern Urbana - a quick and easy location with lots of trails wandering through the prairie. We could just stroll around and shoot as we walked with no pressure.
That's where the words end I suppose - I'm still going through the full set, but wanted to get at least a handful of images visible before other things take over as is always the case.